Start in calm abiding

Let your mind calm down. If you want to meditate and if you want to practice the ultimate Dharma, first bring your mind to calm abiding. If you want to attain Enlightenment, if you want to attain liberation, the first requirement or the very foundational condition, is that your mind must be able to come … Continued

Objects for meditation

When you wake up in the morning, use this time to meditate. Many people say: “I can’t meditate!”. Look at the moon, look at the stars, look up into the skies, use [as objects for meditation] what is in front of your eyes. The moon, the skies, the mountains, they can all be the objects … Continued

While you have energy

While you have energy and good health, stop all the samsaric activities. While you have the energy, use this time to practice, to meditate, and then, when our mood is not very good or when we are very tired, then, use this time to carry out the samsaric activities.

Understanding renunciation

Start practicing properly, start practicing by repenting, start from taking refuge, and then, practice Bodhicitta. Many people do not understand renunciation. How many years have they been practicing, and they still do not understand renunciation? Everyday they are visualizing suffering. If you are observing suffering every day, are you not going to go crazy? Likewise, … Continued

Important qualities

What qualities are important to be a Buddhist? Everyday we are talking about compassion, love, and kindness, but why is it that we do not have compassion, love, and kindness? Everyday we say wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, however when we are practicing why is it that we do not have any wisdom?

Buddha’s appearances

Buddha has so many reincarnations. In regards to his future appearances, before the attainment of Buddhahood, Buddha made 500 great aspirations. You do not know how they may appear. They are not just those that are wearing robes and sitting on the Dharma throne teaching.

To attain liberation: practice

As long as you want to attain liberation, practice! If you do not want to attain liberation then, why play Buddhism games? What are the objects of your refuge? The Three Jewels. Why do we follow our teacher, our Guru? To attain Enlightenment, to attain Buddhahood. So, protect your liberation, your Enlightenment well. Do not … Continued

Happiness and suffering go together

As long as there is happiness, behind it there is suffering. Happiness and suffering go together. As long as you have attachment to happiness, there is suffering waiting. As soon as we leave the happiness, the suffering appears. When we are happy, we do not realize there is suffering but as soon as happiness leaves, … Continued

Where does Bodhicitta come from?

Where does bodhicitta come from? Is bodhicitta not this mind of ours? It is this mind of ours, isn’t it? Renunciation is this mind, wisdom is this mind, compassion is this mind. Remember, enlightenment is also this mind!

What is being liberated?

All the Buddhas, all the great practitioners of the past, how did they attain Buddhahood? Through realizing their own inner minds. And what is being liberated? The afflictions, the confused mind, the afflicted mind, the mind that sleeps, the one that eats, the one that wants to drink water.