Belief in our true nature

We have to practise these 4 syllables, bo-dhi-cit-ta! By doing this the merit is so auspicious! Practice is the skilful means, and Great Perfection is the essence of all the practices, it represents the ultimate methods. What is the essence of Great Perfection? It is belief. Belief in what? The belief in our true nature.

Observe your thoughts

Observe your thoughts, their arising, and their subsiding. Observe the arising and the subsiding of your afflicted emotions. Through your practice, understand what is your true nature of mind, what is your Buddha nature, what is rigpa.  Practice! Observe your mind! Apply the required antidotes. Practise diligently, practice conscientiously! Practice is like oxygen, do not … Continued

Buddhism is a science

Buddhism is a science, it investigates everything, the external world and our inner world. Buddhism investigates our inner world really thoroughly and through Buddhist logic and understanding we can, within our mind stream, leave behind many of our afflictions, suffering and this darkness of ignorance.

The essence of this world

The essence of this world is impermanence. This is the true nature of this world. Who can change this? Today everything is good, tomorrow it will be very difficult. It is the natural way things are. Today we are healthy, tomorrow we are sick; for a while we are very wealthy, then we become like … Continued

The happiest people

The happiest people are those whose minds are very pure, very open. They have very few requirements. They become like bamboo. In whatever environment they find themselves, they can be compassionate, they can carry on living. They only need something simple to eat, something simple to wear and no one brings troubles to them.

Live in the moment

Live in the moment, practice in the moment. Repent everything, change everything, let go of everything. If you really can do this, you can attain enlightenment very quickly.

Through the process of letting go

When we are starting to practice, of course there will be obstacles, maybe difficulties at home, with the family, with relationships. But let go! Gradually, go through the process of letting go. Look at the life of Shakyamuni Buddha, it took him three eons to attain enlightenment. So, what about us? Do not be too … Continued

What we mean by confusion and ignorance

What do we mean by confusion and ignorance? These mean that although we have this true nature of mind, this Buddha nature, we do not know it. When you get to know this nature – rigpa, you need to practice, to be patient and go through the process of returning back to realizing this true … Continued

When we are pursuing happiness

Sometimes we are pursuing happiness, however our methods of pursuing happiness cause problems. The sole purpose of our practices seems to be that we are embarking on the wish for our own happiness, that everything for us can be pleasant, and can be auspicious. If we use our wisdom and our awareness, we really wouldn’t … Continued

When we are feeling sick

When we are feeling sick, think “how wonderful, what an opportunity, this karma has ripened; I have been waiting for this opportunity (to practice). In all my lifetimes, how much negative karma have I generated, how many sentient beings have I harmed?” Meditate on this suffering and think “May I substitute the suffering of all … Continued