Are you really a practitioner?

Are you really a practitioner? If you wish to become a practitioner, start by transforming the afflicted emotions into bodhicitta. This we can do, although it is a little difficult to practise. In reality, if you do not have great realisation in your practice, it is difficult to transform the mind. What we do first … Continued

The suffering of samsara has not arisen for no reason

The suffering of samsara has not arisen for no reason, it came about from many varied factors. From previous lives’ causes, we have these present life’s effects. And, irrespective of the cause and effect, whether the arising causes were positive or negative, they are going to continue. The continuation of this is samsara.

Transforming the three poisons

Although we have aversion, attachment and ignorance we can transform them. And when we transform them, when we remove these three poisons, they become the five wisdoms. However, if we do not transform aversion, attachment and ignorance, we will continue revolving in saṃsāra. What do we mean by transform? In the past, we had a … Continued

When we open up our wisdom

When we open up our wisdom, then we understand the true nature of this world. And, when we gain this understanding, we can let go of anything. We will not attach to anything anymore because we understand that all is not truly existent, all is illusory! Just like your dream at night, within your dream … Continued

Different appearances

Practise diligently and keep your practice simple. Every single deity, every single master’s Guruyoga is included in your Guruyoga. The dharmakāya is emptiness. The deities are emptiness. They just have different appearances. They all are the manifestations of Guru Rinpoche. Vajrasattva is the manifestation of Guru Rinpoche. The same is for dharmakāya, saṃbhogakāya and nirmāṇakāya. … Continued

The foundation of our practice

The foundation of our practice should be transforming our mind. Within the body, speech and mind, it is this mind where we must apply this practice. And in respect to the Buddha Dharma, where do we start practising this Dharma? We first bring our mind to calm abiding and then practise.

What is renunciation?

What is renunciation? If we are always thinking of suffering and impermanence, maybe it is going to be difficult to motivate us in our practice. So, what do we do? We must understand that renunciation is knowing the true nature of this world. What we must really understand is what is the true nature of … Continued

Giving rise to belief in our Guru

As soon as we give rise to belief in our Guru, we become one with our Guru. The Guru is our life’s guide to attaining enlightenment, so this gives rise to the mind, to this heart of unconditional love and gratitude.  And so, our heart becomes full of cherishing and pure. When we gain a … Continued

This life on this earth

To come and be born on this earth, to have this life with the 18 freedoms and advantages is very rare and special. How fortunate we are that we came to this world as a human, that we can meet Buddhism and meet the Great Perfection, the highest level of Dharma. We are able to … Continued

Cultivate a pure state of mind

We, as practitioners, must cultivate a pure state of mind in order to attain liberation, in order to attain enlightenment or wisdom emptiness. And what happens after you have attained liberation? Then, the ability to liberate sentient beings is far vaster, you can really benefit all suffering sentient beings.