Rinpoche Q&A 2024-09-21 – Question 9 of 17
When I am doing prostrations I don’t seem to be able to be one with the guru, I seem to be concerned about the number of prostrations?
When I am doing prostrations I don’t seem to be able to be one with the guru, I seem to be concerned about the number of prostrations?
When I practice pith instructions and when I practice guru yoga my experiences of energy are different?
Rinpoche spontaneously gives more auspicious practical instructions on meditation
When do we use our mouths to breath and when we use our nose to breath?
Beg?? Rest ok
When we are doing meditation with reference point, sometimes it seems that the object disappears. What should we do?
Is it possible to practice the five preliminary practices and the pith instructions at the same time?
Rest ok…a)b) On the platform of calm abiding then the visualization of the pith instructions is very clear, however sometimes when I haven’t been practicing offering I see many rays coming from the object of visualization. Is this correct?
What is the relationship between our winds and channels when meditating?
Rinpoche’s teaching 2024-09-20 – Part 2 of 2