Teaching: 5 circumstantial advantages – 4

Being able to follow the teachings is one of the 5 circumstantial advantages of having a precious human life. It is beneficial to contemplate this often. In so doing, that this enters into our mind stream and that we cherish life and live life meaningfully.

Teaching: 5 circumstantial advantages – 1-3

Being born in a time a Buddha has descended, being born in a time a Buddha has taught and being born in a time the Buddha’s teachings exist are 3 of the 5 circumstantial advantages of having a precious human life. Living without these advantages how would we know of and practise the Dharma and … Continued

Teaching: Precious human life

Introduction to precious human life and then the comparisons Buddha offered to help us realise, appreciate, value and cherish the good fortune of attaining a precious human life.

We are what we think

Amitabha Buddha, meditation, recitation of sutras and taking Eight Mahayana Precepts, Kalachakra day (Full Moon) We are what we think Gautama Buddha