Teaching: Giving up a little samsara to meet our Root Guru
Transmission and reciting the Sutra of Great Liberation
Transmission and reciting the Sutra of Great Liberation
The teachings of the lineage are : the Words of my perfect teacher Guru Yoga visualisation and meditation
Positive deeds bring about positive resultsPrepare for your next life nowUnderstand the reality of this precious human life – nothing is yours foreverSet requirements to practice
Why practice for the benefit of all sentient beings?Those who do not live with compassion suffer moreHardships, difficulties arise due to related causesChoose between repenting and purifying negativity or, the alternative, endure the result.
It is important that we investigate what brings contentment and happiness in this life it may be full of many more sufferings . If we are unselfish who will show us the love? Look after your state of mind.
Precious human life comes about due to great merits and is an opportunity to accumulate merit, which in turn generates the opportunity to cherish and live a content life. The material world doesn’t satisfy all our desires. Plant the seeds of contentment.
Let’s transcend samsara, these afflictions and accumulate merit. This depends on ourselves, practising joyfully and on ourselves to let go of suffering, not on the world.