The simple thought to be of help to others

The simple thought to be of help to othersExceeds in worth the worship of the Buddhas,What need is there then to speak of actual deedsThat bring about the prosperity and benefit of others. Shantideva

Accept your suffering

Your suffering, your mental suffering, if you cannot handle it and accept it, who is going to be able to do that for you? And the suffering that you are experiencing, who can really understand it? Everyone is experiencing their own world of cause-and-effect karma, and all the sufferings that we have experienced, what words … Continued

The state which considers others

Rigpa is very vast, a very broad state of mind. And it’s a state that naturally considers other people’s suffering, other people’s problems. So, people abiding in rigpa, their way of doing things is very different from other people (because they consider others).

Labour for the good of others

Enslaving others, forcing them to serve me,I will come to know the state of servitude.But if I labour for the good of others,Mastery and leadership will come to me. Shantideva

Settle down

If your mind never settles down, you will never understand what practice is, you will never know what liberation is, and you will never know what the blessing of the Guru is. The only thing that you will get is you will hear what the other people are saying about their experience, their realizations; these … Continued

Like the spring

These emotions of ours are like the spring. The water comes bubbling after spring just more, more, more – all the time, continuously. This is what our afflictive emotions are like – just like the spring. These afflictive emotions are never ending.

Transform your mind

If you have not transformed your mind, it is not possible that you are going to be able to practice or realise these profound practices. We must transform our mind to that state of purity, that precious state of purity, that we have sufficient meditation and meditative stability and sufficient belief and then our practice … Continued

Crazy monkey mind

The crazy monkey mind always considers: ‘I’m the most important, I’m the most important!’ This is called selfishness and living like this is a very unhappy state. One has very few friends and even people who love them, their family, might leave them as well.

Master every day’s meditation

Make sure that every day you practice, and you practice well. Master every day’s meditation. And at the time of your death, it is not death that has arrived, it is your liberation that has arrived. The attainment of Buddhahood has arrived, not death. It all depends on how we have practiced, so definitely make … Continued

Rigpa: The true nature of mind

Rigpa is the true nature of our mind. It’s that radiant portion/aspect/quality. We can still practice; we can develop it. When we abide in Rigpa, many of these negative emotions that arise, they will naturally disappear. Although they might still arise, they will naturally disappear. In this way, these (negative) thoughts will not become actions.