Practice this great perfection

Why am I mentioning this to you? When we face death, we cannot deceive ourselves. Practice, practice this great perfection well! And if you do, for certain, one day you will attain liberation.

Only Bodhisattvas

Padmasambhava said this is the age of nuns attaining Enlightenment quicker than the monks. Does this mean that the monk should think ‘oh, no, no, I cannot attain Enlightenment?’ No, it is just that nuns will attain Enlightenment quicker; before it used to be the monks. Padmasambhava said this is the most auspicious time to … Continued

At the moment of death

[At the moment of death] All of these material concerns, all of these phenomena are not ours. For instance, look at my mother, if she didn’t practice well what would she be able to take with her? The only thing that would be able to follow her would be her own tears. However, as practitioners … Continued

Whether you go in or out

Whether you go in or whether you go out, there is attachment, aversion, and ignorance. This is what everybody in the city is doing. In this environment, how do you practice? – we are not enlightened yet, are we? So, in this type of environment how are you going to realize the practices? It is … Continued

One day you are going to die

Great compassionate Dharma protectors and students, one day, you are going to die. I am also going to die; my mother has just died. What is this telling us?: that every single one of us is going to die, so do not have too many pursuits and do not get too attached. It is impossible … Continued

Give rise to ultimate bodhicitta

We do teach very vastly for boundless bodhicitta, however as it is said in The Way of the Bodhisattva as taught by Shantideva, if you can just give rise to ultimate bodhicitta for just a moment, all past karma, all of those selfish thoughts, self-grasping from which we have hurt others, all our karma thereof, … Continued

Why practice bodhicitta

So why is it that we must practice bodhicitta? When we have realised bodhicitta, then, all our merit and all our practices have been perfected. With respect to bodhicitta, we start practicing with little steps, with little things.

Treat it as practice

As it is often mentioned to you, whatever happens in life, treat it as practice. And everything in life will become your practice.

Organizing our time

If we organize our time properly daily, truly practicing, then your liberation won’t be a problem. Your attainment of Enlightenment won’t be a problem. The problem that we have is that we spend all our time involved in material concerns.  All you need to do is allocate three or four percent of your time to … Continued

Universal Rigpa

When you discover Rigpa, when you abide in Rigpa then, you are free of all negative emotions. The universal energy is called Rigpa. Everyone has Rigpa within themselves. But if you do not find it, you will continue existing at the level of trouble, negative emotions. And if you are living into that changing, always … Continued