By transforming the mind

Which Buddha has attained Buddhahood by practicing through the external world? Taking as an example all the Buddhas, from Samantabhadra to now, do they (realize) practice through external appearances? Not one of the Buddhas did this, with respect to all of the history and all of the Buddhas. They attained Buddhahood by transforming their mind, … Continued

Returning to our true nature

What is bodhicitta? Within ourselves we have the true nature of mind, this inherent state of mind. How do we discover this true nature of mind within our lives? How do we return to this true nature of mind that is called bodhicitta? Everyone of us has the true nature of mind, everyone of us … Continued

True nature of this world

When we understand the true nature of this world, we will naturally have renunciation, we will have bodhicitta, compassion. You will then understand all beings’ suffering of suffering, suffering of change and suffering of everything composite.

No other Dharma

The source of all samsara is clinging. This is the essence of samsara, suffering. When you have incessant grasping, you have suffering. So the 84000 Dharma are for this purpose, to remove this attachment of ours. There is no other Dharma apart from these.

Dharma requirements

What are all the Dharma requirements for? To purify our negative karma, so that all of our body, speech and mind karma can be purified. Practice, practice with purity. It’s quite simple.

Looking within

Receiving the Dharma from external sources, means creating arising-causes-Dharma. True practice of Dharma is practicing within. So how do we practice looking within? We must bring back our mind. Don’t let it run outside or project outside, instead, reflect in. First, calm down your mind, gather your affliction in. How do we do this? By … Continued

Karmic winds

We are sometimes very lazy. Laziness has no bodhicitta and the karmic winds of our karmic and conceptual obscurations will blow us in the direction of that karma.

In a dazed state

Truly, being just in a dazed state (not positive, not negative), in a state of laziness or without awareness, you are not truly using your time to practice. And if we do not practice, when the time of death arises, what are we going to be able to handle? And we will never put an … Continued

No need for comforts

Why was it that Buddha Shakyamuni left his palace? Over there he had the comfort; you see, he had fame, fortune, status. It is because, in order be able to practice properly, he did not need all of these comforts. If he did not leave the palace, all sorts of difficulties and obstacles may have … Continued

Rigpa mind

Our body will become old; this is for sure. But this Rigpa portion (of our mind) will always stay the same; it won’t get old this rigpa mind.