While in pain

All the great realizers, look at what we consider to be negative as something positive. In their state of mind nothing is considered an obstacle, a difficulty or trouble. If we are sick, they teach us to give rise to renunciation. If our back is painful, we should say, “good, keep the mind pure and disciplined”. … Continued

The power of this path

The Great Perfection is directly pointing at the very nature of mind. Simply maintaining recognition of the very nature of mind by following the Guru’s pith instructions is the power of this profound path. That is why most essential is that we have faith in your Guru.

The right mindfulness

The right mindfulness is the mind without any thought. This pure state of mind is of clarity, of luminosity. When you start meditating, abide in a state which is not too lax, not too tight, abide in a state of equanimity, in a state of calm abiding. Then, support this calm abiding with the right … Continued

Why we pay homage to our Guru

Why do we pay homage to our Guru? Because our root Guru is our Buddha on earth right now, he is the Buddha that helps us understand the teachings. He is our guidance, the lamp that dispels the darkness. He guides us out of the darkness of ignorance, he is our light in the darkness.

Incorporate the three methods

Sometimes you are just reciting the words of a prayer, not really thinking about the suffering of sentient beings. When you really practice properly, when you really think of the suffering of sentient beings and really wish them to be free of suffering, this really has very great, very vast merit. In every practice that … Continued

Include bodhicitta

Every time you begin listening to any teachings, give rise to auspicious bodhicitta to benefit countless suffering sentient beings. The foundation of all Mahayana and Vajrayana practices is bodhicitta. In order to achieve the highest levels of Buddhism, whatever dharma you are practicing, – irrespective of whether you are practicing meditation, making lamp offerings, listening … Continued

The four types of liberation

When can we really say that we have entered the door, that we started practicing the secret Vajrayana? When we are clear about the four types of liberation. And what are these four types of liberation? In meditative concentration, there is liberation through [naked] bare attention, liberation as soon as it arises, self-liberation and primordial … Continued

The Guru is your mirror

The Guru is just your mirror. The mirror is your teacher. When you meet your teacher, then you know the state of your practice, what kind of person you are. It’s like looking in the mirror. You know what state you are in, where you floated to, what level of practice you have, whether your … Continued

If you have a method

No matter how profound the Dharma, if you have a method, you are able to practice it perfectly. It does not matter how low the Dharma is, if you do not have a method, you are not  going to be able to practice it. It has nothing to do with one’s age, it is not … Continued

What are pith instructions?

What are the pith instructions? They are what enables an afflicted sentient being, who has been afflicted since beginningless time until now, to transform this confused afflicted mind and to attain liberation. This can only be done through the secret Vajrayana. Only through the Great Perfection can we get this result.