The importance of belief

Belief, faith in the Guru, is so important. In the Great Perfection we rely on our faith or belief in the Guru. We do not attain liberation just by sitting in an empty state of mind or just by always learning. Most important is our belief. We take this energy of our belief, this power … Continued

Everything becomes practice

Practice does not mean that we have to let go of everything, it does not mean that we have to change our whole life. You don’t have to let go of anything. Everything follows your mind! As long as you change your aspiration, as long as you change your motivation into bodhicitta, your whole life … Continued

The Guru’s essence

Your Guru represents the essence of all the Buddhas and bodhisattvas, the essence of all the deities and all the Dharma protectors and all their qualities. This is your Guru. Just like a drop of water that enters and becomes one with the ocean, the Guru enters, dissolves into our mind stream.

Continuously thinking

Our mind is very, very complicated. When we recite the mantras or the sutras, how many thoughts are arising within our mind? And, in the time when so many thoughts are arising, how is it possible to know whether we really have bodhicitta or not? It is difficult to say. What about ourselves, do we … Continued

The first requirement for attaining liberation

In regard to the standard for attaining liberation, what is the first requirement? Firstly, we must turn our mind to calm abiding. And, if we achieve this, if we turn our mind to calm abiding, then we will gain incredible practice experience. However, if our mind never turns to calm abiding we will always be … Continued

Praying to the Guru

Practise well, offer prayers to your Guru. One Guru can represent all the Gurus. He is the embodiment of all the Buddhas and bodhisattvas. We have this connection, and one Guru can represent all the lineage Gurus. For example, visualise me, then His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok, His Holiness Lama Achuk, Khenpo Chokhyab. Include them all … Continued

A stage in the process

We understand the Dharma, we have belief in the Dharma, in these respects we are all very good. We have respect, we have cherishing, however this is just a stage in the process where we should not stagnate or stop; if we do this, then we will leave this world in this state of mind. … Continued

The aspiration of a Great Perfection practitioner

May I, as soon as I can, become just like Sakyamuni Buddha! May I become just like Guru Rinpoche so that, in the future, I may benefit all sentient beings from the lowest to the highest realms! This is the motivation, this is the aspiration of a Great Perfection practitioner. When we follow the Great … Continued